
Dec 10, 2008

Tummy aches (kids)

Tummy aches are common among kids though it can often be soothed away with some basic medication. But there are times when it seems like a simple tummy ache turns out to be more uncomfortable than expected. There are many causes ranging from immediate medical attention to others that can simply be treated at home. You have to decide on which approach need to take though required astute observation and some basic understanding of what these aches can be and symptoms to look out for.

It is often difficult to tell from the different between tummy aches with psychological causes and real physical ailments, and more often than note even doctors may only discover that the former is the likely cause of the kids’ complaints after extensive investigation and multiple consults. It is important to rule out physical cause first, but the caregiver should take not of specific characteristics of the abdominal pain and associated situations and convey these to the doctor.

Tummy aches can also be caused by psychological issues. Like stress, anxiety and other psychological difficulties may manifest as physical symptoms in a kid. Some children may feign illness to skip school to avoid stress at school or to get more attention from their parents. In such kids the pain is normal located in the central abdominal region and they are otherwise well. Typically, their sleep is not affected by the pain at night. They grow well and their appetite is normal.

Things to take note:

Some tummy aches go away by soothing on medicated oil or by applying a hot compress. But if the pain does not go away after a few hours, seek for medical advice.

Find the location of pain will help the doctor, so check with your kid to where it hurts. If you kid can indicate that the pain is located away from the belly button, it is more likely that the pain is due to an organic cause.

If nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur it may indicate more serious physical problems. Particularly if greenish vomit and bloody diarrhea should be cause for worry. These symptoms may also lead to dehydration. It is important to feed you kids with water if these symptoms are occurring. If you have doubt, check with the doctor.

If you kids’ tummy ache becomes intense and interferes with his play and routine activities, this may signal more urgent medical conditions, such as appendicitis.

In addition, you also need to look out for changes in your kids’ behaviors, personality and physical characteristics. For example, lose of weight or a sudden disinterested in playing.


Constipation may be the cause, like eating too many sweets or fatty treats and not having enough fibre or water. This may also result from a lesser known cause when kids get too caught up with their play and they may be too impatient for a toilet break and subsequently its unhealthy toilet habits. This common cause can be easily treated at home. Tummy aches due to constipation is usually more chronic and insidious.

If hard stools, strain in passing stools and infrequent bowel movements, stool softeners and laxatives could do the tricks. Let them drinks more water or prune juices, substitute for high fibre foods, regular exercise and cultivating toilet habits.


Appendicitis is typically a result of blockage inside appendix. Abdominal injury and family history may be the cause of appendicitis.

Intense abdominal pain especially the lower right part, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination and loss of appetite are the symptoms of appendicitis. Surgery to remove the inflamed appendix and followed by painkillers will cure.

Infection of gastroenteritis
Is commonly known as stomach flu, this result in inflammation and irritation of intestines and stomach, and can be very uncomfortable. It is usually cause by viruses, bacteria and parasites that spread through contaminated food or water and contact with people who have stomach flu.

It is usually acute in onset and often associated with fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is also be cause of a contact with someone with related symptoms. More serious symptoms such as bloody diarrhea and vomit may occur. Antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medication and oral re-hydration medicine to replace lost of water and electrolytes. Drink only clear fluids and avoid eating for at least a few hours to allow the tummy to rest. Avoid dairy and fatty foods and ensure your kids get plenty of rest.

Food allergy and Intolerance

Allergies and intolerance towards substances, like lactose, can leave your kid in a lot of discomfort (this happened more often in Asians of young age).

Beside milk, other potential allergies include caffeine (found in carbonated drinks), shellfish, nuts, eggs, soy and wheat. These allergies are largely hereditary in nature. It can range from a sense of bloated feeling or rashes to severe reaction like unconsciousness, difficulty in speaking, severe asthma and sudden weakness. An injection of epinephrine will stop the anaphylactic reaction in cases of severe allergies. Avoid food or substance your kid is allergic to.

Food poisoning

Tummy aches may also be caused by nasty bacteria that spread from the food handler to the person eating it.

Bacteria in contaminated food and water that include salmonella found in raw egg, meat and seafood as well as pet turtles. E. coli that spread through food and water that contaminated with small amounts of cow faeces. Campylobacter that found in unpasteurised milk which is harmful substances and bacteria are destroyed by heating, in undercooked or raw poultry. Bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, fever and headaches are commonly found in kids with food poisoning. Usually pills to stop vomiting and diarrhea, fever medication and oral re-hydration treatment to replace loss of water from diarrhea, or in severe cases the stomach may be needed to pump in the hospital.

Drink more water and avoid solid food. Stay away from sugary or caffeinated drinks and use an anti-bacterial hand soap.


Seek the doctor if localized tenderness with associated fever occur, greenish vomit, weight loss, pain at nigh, loss of appetite, abdominal distension (bloating), associate lethargy, swinging of temperature and vomiting etc.

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