
Dec 23, 2008

Party tricks

We all love the feeling of bonhomie of a festive and the days fill with shopping and feasting. But you started to feel sins when gaining of weight. You can maintain your weight during these occasions if you had a bit of discipline and preparation.

During Christmas the tables are usually piled high with food that your host insists you eat. What should you do?

  1. Take more of vegetables and fruits and less of foods like fried dishes or cakes. Your host will see that your plate is full and won’t feel insulted.
  2. Eat slowly to maintain the illusion of a plate constantly stacked with food.
  3. Avoid arriving at a party feeling very hungry. Eat something like whole wheat crackers or fruits before going to a party to reduce temptation.
  4. Dink water before or during meals to help to keep you feeling full.
  5. Beware of appetizers and nibbles that goes with drinks and cocktails, a handful of mixed nuts or crisps with cocktail could have as many calories as a regular meal.
  6. Limits consumption of cookies, desserts and cakes at home as you can have them at a party. But please concentrate and savor in moderation.
  7. Don’t try to skip main meals; this is most likely to lead to eating a lot more later in the party.
  8. Alcohol is a big calories contributor, drinking in moderation.

    Holidays are a time to enjoy and relax, so make a smart choice of what you eat and drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Wish you this new year gives you health and wealth.

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