
May 26, 2009

Ways to stop ageing

Keeps steady weight

As we get older, we need fewer calories and metabolism slows down with our sedentary lifestyle. We should stick to a sensible eating plan and avoid fast weight lose or gain. Without exercise adults lose about 2 to 3 kg of muscle every decade. This leads to a drop in metabolic rate which cause weight gain.

Enough of sleep

Having enough sleep is good for your looks and health. Woman who slept for six to seven hours a night had a lower death rate than those who sleep less. Getting enough sleep may even help to prevent cancer. Those who sleep around eight hours a night have lowest rate of getting cancer. Sleeps helps to strengthen your immunity, boosts your attention span and also helps to banish stress.

Keep mind occupied

Increase mental activity can protect against age related memory loss and impaired brain function. Keep the mind occupied can help to prevent the loss of brain stimulation and keep your brain building new spines of dendrites in your brain cells. Dendrites received impulses from nerve cells. They can be damaged by ageing. Exercising can make them grow.

Manage stress

Stress causes ageing too. Stressed people were have 20 times more likely to develop heart disease. A prolonged tension also reduces the number of the immuse system and also reduces the number of the immuse system and robs the body’s antioxidants thought to help prevent premature ageing and cancer.

Healthy sex life

Couples with a healthy sex life can look seven years younger than those who don’t. Improving sex life can help one look about four to seven years younger. It’s because sex reduces stress, improves relationships and leads to greater life contentment and sleep better.

Quit smoking

Smoking or even passive smoking contributes to ageing too. Spending over four hours a day in a smoked filled environment can add seven years to your age and increase your risks of heart disease and emphysema. Women who smoke are three times more likely to have lined leathery skin. The toxins diminish the skin’s oxygen supply, affecting its tissues, elastin and collagen.

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