
Feb 13, 2009

Skin Problem (Psoriasis)

Psoriasis is a genetic disease which is not contagious; it is a disease which results when faulty signals in the immune system prompt skin cells to regenerate too quickly. But Psoriasis is often perceived to be infectious as other infectious diseases like leprosy can also cause unsightly rashes.  It will cause thick red, scaly lesions that can crack and bleed, are result of an abnormally rapid growth of skin cells, not due to infection. It often affects the elbows, knees, scalp and torso but can also appear anywhere on the body.

Some of the people with psoriasis will also develop psoriatic arthritis, an inflammatory disease which affect both the skin and the joints that causes pain, morning stiffness and swelling in in addition to your psoriasis symptoms. Psoriasis can affect anyone at any age, including children. Untreated, psoriatic arthritis may result in permanaent joint damage.

 It is important to stress that psoriasis is not contagious. Because people with Psoriasis may have difficulty finding jobs as they are rejected once the employer realizes they have psoriasis. An insensitive remark from strangers and friends has become part and parcel of their life as a psoriasis patient. Not everyone can accept their condition and some people are worried that it is contagious. They are scared because they don't understand the disease.

Cause of Psoriasis

 Psoriasis is believed to be caused by genetic. Someone has psoriasis will risk his child of having the condition is about 10 to 30 percent.

Environmental factors too can cause Psoriasis. 

Stress can also trigger psoriasis, especially in those who have the predisposing genes.

Skin injury can cause scratches or sunburn too.



There is no cure for psoriasis but a healthy lifestyle and treatment can help to control the disease.

For mild condition a topical treatments like topical steroid, coal tar and vitamin D cream could be able help.

For more severe condition, you may need treatment which includes photo-therapy, oral medication and biologic therapy.


You can lead a normal and productive life if your disease is under control. Your mental attitude towards the disease is very  important as the doctors can only help to manage the disease but there is no cure.


1 comment:

FLO said...

Hello my dear friend!!! real Smiles 4 u & have a good day!!!

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