
Mar 11, 2008

How to drink and get away with it

Before they deck the halls and fill up your glasses, prepare your body to survive the morning after hang over pain. Most people suffered a hang over and treat it with a pain killer and a day with the duvet.

Never drink on an empty stomach, eat something before the party. Sipping milk or oil helps line the stomach. Drink one glass of water to every glass of alcohol during the party. Force yourself to drink three big glasses of water before sleeping to flush out your system. But don't drink more than three glasses of water as this can actually damage your kidneys.

Take vitamin B before a party as the body depends on vitamins B to metabolize alcohol and drinking destroys its natural resources. A 75mg of vitamin B taken before the party will replenish supplies and speed up the process of alcohol through the body or eat 400-600mg of magnesium and 20-50mg of zinc when you are drinking.

For women : Take two capsules of 1000mg evening primrose oil two hours before or after drinking. Evening primrose oil contains gamma linoleic acid, which acts in the body to stabilize hormone levels that are depleted by alcohol. The rate of alcohol absorption is affected by your hormones, you get drunk more easily and quickly around ovulation and before your period.

A lack of magnesium can contribute to hangover symptoms such as irritability, insomnia and headaches, while zinc plays an important role in neutralizing the toxic effects of alcohol. It is important to line you stomach as it can cut blood alcohol level by up to 50 percent. This prevents an overload of alcohol in the blood by stopping it from being instantly absorbed through the stomach.Try eating a full-fat plain yoghurt or drink a glass of full-cream milk before going to a party.

Some drinks contain more of the substances known as congeners, too many of which can leave you with a deadly hangover. To prevent this, choose pure drinks such as organic wine and malt whisky over cheap spirits, rough wine, bourbon and port. Red wine contain more than double the congeners of white wine, while bourbon has twice the quantity of aldehyde, which interferes with alcohol detoxification. So choose your drinks with care.

There's more to treating a hang over than a pain killer.

1. Have a toast and honey for breakfast. The carbohydrate in the bread will help combat your flagging blood sugar levels, while honey contains fructose which is needed to help the liver turn unwanted alcohol into acetic acid, thereby ridding your system of alcohol more quickly.

2. Eat a banana as alcohol is a duretic which can deplete your potassium levels, leaving you tired and jittery. Whisk some milk with banana, honey and double cream. This corrects dehydration and low blood sugar and lines the stomach.

3. Cook up some cabbage as sulforaphane found in cabbage, can help the liver process dangerous toxins into harmless molecules which are then excreted. Know your limits and when they change. Some people are physically more susceptible to alcohol than others.

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