
Oct 21, 2007

Firm Up Tummy

Spot reduction or losing fat in a specific area is a myth. But so not despair as yet, here's four ways that can help you.

Sleep Well: Ensure that you have enough sleep daily. When youhave enough rest, your body will feel rejuvented internallyand externally. On the other hand, without the essential thatyour body requires, your metabolism ( the rate the body burnfood) gradually declines.

Breathe correctly: Good breathing methods reflects on yourappearance and can make you look stronger and leaner. Take afew minutes to do this exercise: Breath in so that you ribcageexpands to its maximum and exhale slowly.

Posture Care: Tightening your abdominal muscles when you aresitting on your office chair, walking to your office ordriving in your car is a quick and easy to give you ahealthier posture. With a good posture, you tend to looktaller, fitter and trimmer.

Diet control: Count you calories. Make it a point to consumejust enough calories for you to carry out you dailyactivities. Express calories, which are not needed by yourbody will turn into fats.

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